my favorite champion from league of legends.

TarHello, readers of my blog. Today I’m gonna be talking about my favorite champion in League of Legends. My favorite champion is League of Legends is Kennen. Kennen, the heart of the tempest is a Yordle with electrifying abilities. All of Kennen’s abilities have electrifying powers. Kennen is a ranged marksman that can scale AP(Ability Power) … Next?

the new year is just great.

Hello readers, This I’m gonna talk about my traditions during the holidays. So for Haloween, my family usually dresses up and go to someone’s house for dinner and then we go trick or treating. On Thanksgiving, we usually wake up early and start cooking food for that night. My mom usually prepares the turkey and … Next?

my free choice

Hello readers, I’m gonna talk about League of Legends for this post. League of Legends is 5v5 MOBA(Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). There are different game modes in League of Legends but the most popular game mode is called Summoner’s Rift. There are approximately 142 champions in the games. There are three lanes and 4 areas … Next?